Professional Development Committee
Brian Day, Co-Chair
Mike Bersani, Co-Chair
This Committee is responsible to prepare recommendations to the Board of Directors for conference programming, document sharing, and articles and article formats for the Association’s journal.
Membership and Awards Committee
Jim Rhodes, Chair
This Committee is responsible for recruiting new Members and determining Membership targets in order to broaden the Membership base. Prior to the Association’s Annual Conference this Committee will present its recommendation to the Board of Directors for awards to be presented to Members and distinguished attorneys during the luncheon held during the Annual Conference.
Nominating Committee
Jim Rhodes, Chair
This committee consists of five (5) members, one of whom is a Director and the Chair of the committee. This Committee is responsible for preparing a slate of Members it proposes to be elected to serve on the Board of Directors and shall complete the slate at least ten (10) days prior to the Annual Business Meeting. During the Annual Meeting, the Chairman of the Nominating Committee shall make its report to the general Membership and nominate the Members on the slate to stand for election to the Board of Directors at that Annual Meeting.
Communications and Technology Committee
Fred Stavins, Chair
This Committee is responsible for oversight and assistance in the promotion of the Association’s communications with its Members and others, including its campaigns for additional Members and sponsors, the ILGL Member Listserv, the ILGL Journal, the ILGL website and social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn and other forms of media as needed.
The Municipal Prosecutors Group
Michael Santschi, Co-Chair
Aly Harms, Co-Chair
This committee is composed of an unlimited number of individuals being lawyers actively engaged in the prosecution of local ordinance violations. The Steering Committee shall be responsible for hosting at least one program annually geared toward municipal prosecutors and for preparing recommendations to the full Board of Directors as it deems appropriate. The Steering Committee shall select one (1) of its members to serve as the ex officio voting member of the Board of Directors.